5 Innovative Uses for Hemp

The hemp industry is growing rapidly and bringing with it all kinds of new innovations that expand the way the plant can be used in our daily lives. As a crop, industrial hemp is incredibly versatile, low-maintenance and sustainable. It thrives in some of the most challenging soil conditions and can even be used for soil regeneration because of its ability to clean contaminated soil.

Hemp’s versatility and ecological benefits make its resurgence an exciting time for investors and innovators. More and more companies and industries are embracing and utilizing the plant, including in these (surprising!) ways:

Sustainable Textiles

The word “canvas” is actually based on the Latin word for hemp, cannabis. While modern canvas is typically now made of linen or cotton, hemp has been used to create textiles for ages. Today, the world of fashion is rediscovering the plant as a natural textile for manufacturing easy-to-wear, breathable garments.


Walk down the aisles of any cosmetics department and you’ll see everything from hemp shampoos and soaps to lip balms, hand creams and more. The plant is prized for its moisturizing and soothing properties.

Animal Feed

Hemp is currently be studied as a more eco-friendly source of animal feed for livestock. Researchers at Kansas State University maintain that all parts of the hemp plant have nutritional value for cattle and can be a significant source of crude protein. Hemp is also now an approved source of commercial feed for horses, specialty pets and household pets in the state of Montana.


As cellulosic ethanol, hemp can be used as raw material for biofuels, and it is much better for the environment than corn-based ethanol. When used as a biofuel, hemp is far more sustainable than fossil fuels.

Hemp Plastics

Our hemp biocomposites and bioplastics are durable, lightweight and attractive while reducing fossil fuel plastic use by 25% or more. Our products offer a path to carbon emissions reduction, are available today in volume and are competitively priced. With similar properties to traditional plastic, they can replace conventional plastics without significant additional capital or operating expense, making transitioning easier. Check out our materials here and contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our solutions to your sustainability objectives.




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